Peak summary made by me

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Peak summary made by me

15 농부 0 1,538 2022.03.29 16:44


Repeating something over and over will make you improve to certain level but not beyond level of plateau 

Deliberate Pratice is the most important feature of making your progress past your perceived plateau 


Wiring of brain increases as you develop certain skills 

In the brain studies have shown that learning a new skill is more effective in triggering structural changes in the brain than simply continuing to practice skill that one has already learned. 

In the other hand pushing too far for too long can lead to burnout and ineffective learning. The brain like the body. Changes most quickly in that sweet spot where it is pushed outside-but not too far outside - its comfort zone . 

Long term training results in changes in those part of the brain that are relevant to the particular skill being developed 

Getting out of your comfort zone 

Learning is no longer just a way of fulfilling some genetic destiny; it becomes a way of taking control of your destiny and shaping your potential in ways that you choose. 


The main thing that set experts apart from the rest of us is that their tears of practice have changed the neural circuitry in their brains to produce highly specialized mental representations, which in turn make possible the incredible memory, pattern recognition, problem solving , and others sorts of advanced abilities needed to excel in their particular specialities 

A hallmark of expert performance is the ability to see patterns in a collection of things that would seem random or confusing to people with less well developed mental representations. 

Deliberate practice, separate deliberate practice entangle all together to make a great domain of knowledge 

The main purpose of deliberate practice is to develop effective mental representations, and , mental representations in turn play a key role in deliberate practice. 

How well i can detect my mistakes, = how effective my mental representations of the tasks are 

Clear mental representation : 

recognize mistakes. 

Remember them next time

Correct them 

Physical activities are mental too 


Deliberate practice 

Does it push people to get outside comfort zone and attempt to do things that are not easy for them?

Does it offer immediate feedback on the performance and on what can be done to improve it ? 

Have those who developed the approach identified the best performers in that particular area and determined what sets them apart from everyone else? 

Is the practice designed to develop the particular skills that experts in the field possess? 

Knowing to apply skill is better then to cram in knowledge

 a pattern improvement 

Recognize unexpected situations, quickly consider various possible responses, and decide on the best one is important and valuable. 

Deliberate practice 

Find a good teacher 


- importance of engaging in purposeful practice instead of mindless repetition without any clear plan for getting better . 

- If your mind is wandering or you 're relaxed and just having fun, you probably won't improve 

- Maintain close attention to every detail of performance. Until excellence in every detail becomes a firmly ingrained habit .

- Little point at all to practicing if you don't focus 

Learning without teacher 

- order the thought 

- Take you out of your comfort zone and practice over and over again 

- Paying attention to what you got wrong each time and correcting it 

- 3f Focus, Feedback, Fix it 

Getting past plateau 

- challenge your brain in new way

- Bodybuilders change type of exercise when they reach plateau same apply to mental representation 

- It is sometime one or two of the components of that skill , not all of them , that are holding you back. Question is which one? 

- Push yourself a little to find out where your stucking points are . Push yourself well outside of your comfort zone and see what breaks down first.

- Target those specific problem areas that are holding back 

For purposeful or deliberate practice you need to push yourself outside your comfort zone and maintain your focus. 

it often requires two thing 

- the first is general physical maintenance : getting enough sleep and keeping healthy 

- Second is limit the length of your practice sessions to about an hour 

    - you can not maintain intense concentration for much longer than that 

Practice never becomes outright fun , but eventually it gets closer to neutral, so it is not as hard to keep going. 

Take proud in what you do, get pleasure.

Your sense of identity changes 

Encourage intellectual pursuit, 

Deliberate practice is lonely pursuit. Much of your improvement will depend on practice you done on your own. 


Road to extraordinary

Hind : situated at the back , posterior

Practice itself may lad to physiological adaptations that produce more enjoyment and more motivation to do that particular activity.

While certain innate personality take crucial role at very first of their skill. Advantages get smaller over time, and eventaually the amount and the quality of practice take on a much larger role in determining how skilled a person becomes.

No one has ever found out how to identifying people with innate talent, it means that there is no such thing as innate talent which explains great outcome

We build our mental representation not just by aiming to do something, individual pieces become part of an interconnected pattern that provides context and meaning to the information , making it easier to work with. 

You don’t build mental representations by thinking about something you build them by trying to do something failing revising and trying again, over and over 

Once you understand what is necessary to get there in one area, you understand, at least in principle, what it takes in other areas. 

When everything goes well they experience a level of effortlessness similar in many ways to the psychological state of ‘flow’ popularized by Mihaly Csikszentmihlyi. This gives them a precious ‘high’ that few people other then expert can ever experience 

Humans are most human when we’re improving ourselves


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