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AI가 봐주는 내 사주팔자 - 운세박사


[리액트 네이티브] 시작하기

영리치 0 2,645 2021.08.28 18:15

1. Git clone

2. 폴더 이동 후 "yarn"

3. cd ios > pod install & pod update

4) Add Google Services files (plist & JSON)

  • 4.1) [iOS] Follow the add firebase to your app instructions here to generate your GoogleService-Info.plist file if you haven't done so already - use the package name generated previously as your iOS bundle ID.
  • 4.2) [iOS] Place this file in the ios/ directory of your project.
    • Once added to the directory, add the file to your Xcode project using 'File > Add Files to "[YOUR APP NAME]"…' and selecting the plist file.
  • 4.3) [Android] Follow the manually add firebase to your app instructions here to generate your google-services.json file if you haven't done so already - use the package name generated previously as your Android package name.
  • 4.4) [Android] Place this file in the android/app/ directory of your project.

5) AdMob Setup (Or Removal)

  • 5.1) React Native Firebase Starter kit comes with AdMob pre-install. The default Sample AdMob App ID is used in both the info.plist [iOS] and the AndroidManifest.xml [Android] files. If you don't want to use AdMob, just remove it. If you do, be sure to update your ID!
  • 5.2) [iOS] Remove or change in info.plist by editing the GADApplicationIdentifier key string.
  • 5.3) [Android] Remove or change in AndroidManifest.xml by modifying the content of <meta-data /> tag within the <application /> tag.
  • 5.4) More instrucation can be found here.

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AI가 봐주는 내 사주팔자 - 운세박사


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