[Python][Flask] Thread에서 request_queue가 없는 상태로 지속되면 스레드에는 무슨 일이 일어날까?

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[Python][Flask] Thread에서 request_queue가 없는 상태로 지속되면 스레드에는 무슨 일이 일어날까?

영리치 0 1,108 2023.04.19 17:29

---- request_queue = q.Queue() response_queue = q.Queue() # assign target function for the queues # prompt 매서드를 스레드로 실행하기 request_respond = threading.Thread(target=self.prompt, args=(request_queue, response_queue)) # start the queues request_respond.start() # trigger the prompt request ---- The prompt function loaded as Thread ---- def prompt(self, request_queue, response_queue): content = request_queue.get() userid = content['userRequest']['user']['id'] content = content['action']['detailParams']['prompt']["value"] content = ''.join(str(e) for e in content) # run queue threading since kakaotalk chatbot will only wait 5 seconds child_queue = q.Queue() # create the thread chat_gpt_respond = threading.Thread(target=self.respond, args=(child_queue, content, userid)) # Start the thread chat_gpt_respond.start() # 스레드 시작 chat_gpt_respond.join() # 스레드가 끝날 때까지 대기 result = child_queue.get() # 스레드 종료 후 결과 값 가져오기 response_queue.put(result) ---- But I have a question, if there is nothing on request_queue, what happen to the prompt Thread?

When the prompt thread is started, it will wait for an item to be placed in the request_queue using the request_queue.get() method. If there is nothing in the request_queue, the thread will block and wait until an item becomes available.

In other words, the prompt thread will be idle until it receives an item in the request_queue. Once it gets an item from the queue, it will process the content and execute the remaining part of the function. If you want the thread to exit gracefully when there's nothing in the queue, you can consider using the get() method with a timeout, like request_queue.get(timeout=5) to wait for a certain amount of time before giving up.

정답은 request_queue가 올 때까지 기다린다입니다. 따라서, 만약 오류 발생 시 메모리 계속 잡아먹을 수 있을 것 같음. timeout 반드시 설정 필요함


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